Sunday 5 October 2008

What goes up...

At my murder mystery party way back in January, we attempted to construct a human pyramid. It wasn't easy. A good few attempts were made in order to achieve as many layers as possible... but in the end we succeeded. And it felt really good. Here's a little reminder of the end result:

However, when I saw the news today, I realised that we weren't the first people to come up with the idea of a human pyramid. In Spain, it's like a professional sport. And a dangerous one at that... (although the news reporter said nobody gets seriously injured). Check these guys out:

Makes our pyramid attempt seem kind of pathetic, doesn't it?

My favourite part was in another video where the news reporter stated (as it collapsed):

'At this point, any pain was swept away by the joy of success!'

Really. I'm not totally convinced...


Mitchenstein said...

At which point did you think we were the first people to attempt a human pyramid?

Katie said...

You mean you knew all along that we weren't...?

Mitchenstein said...

I believe it was my previous experience in human-pyramid-building that got the thing built in the first place.

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