Sunday 9 September 2007

A Very Frightening 5 Minutes

Lately, when I wake up in the morning, I have been suffering from sleep paralysis. It's never happened to me before, but during the last month or so it's been happening pretty regularly. Never when I first wake up, but only when I have a lie in and go back to sleep, or have a power nap in the afternoon. Basically what happens is this...

I think I'm awake. I try to move, but I can't. As I try harder to move, concentrating all my energy into moving one arm, the deeper I seem to be sinking in this indescribable feeling of entrapment. Then I start to panic. I feel as if I can't breathe, my energy is gone and my body is exhausted. Eventually, I manage to force myself to move a finger, and then it kind of disappears and I can move. It can sometimes last for up to half an hour! It's frustrating and sometimes terrifying.

Anyway, I googled it yesterday. I went onto this website entitled 'Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis'. I skim read the first paragraph, and it described EXACTLY what I was experiencing. 'Phew!' I thought to myself... 'It's not just me'. Then I scan to the bottom of the page and pick out the sentences 'disease involving degeneration of motor neurons' and 'progressive fatal illness'. I nearly burst into tears right there and then, before going back and reading the end of the first paragraph...

'If you've had one of these experiences, then you've probably had a glimpse of how it feels to have a fully developed amyotrophic lateral sclerosis.'

Thank goodness. I then left the Website of Death and visited the next one on the list, which immediately says:

RELAX! You are not going insane or dying. Sleep paralysis is not harmful. Read 'The Terror That Comes In The Night' for more information.

If only I'd read that one first. Off to Amazon we go...

Oh, and just for your information... Sleep Paralysis is actually 'a natural bodily function that causes us to be paralyzed during sleep. It prevents us hurting ourselves or others during dreams. It's when it follows us into the waking state that it becomes a disorder'

Wow... I have a disorder!

By the way, has anyone else experienced this?


Mitchenstein said...

Katie, Katie, Katie.

It's like when I was little and we had this book where you would look up your symptoms and after about five minutes I realised I had every illness going and only about five minutes to live.

It's a bit like that.

Katie said...

It's nothing like that. I was misinformed. You're just an idiot.

Although it did teach me a lesson... remember when you told me off for skim-reading your blog and missing out on information? I should've listened.

(I'm tryng to balance out my comments with a positive as well as a negative...)

Anna said...

Yeah, meeting my friend Katie sound like lots of fun :-) Or maybe we should never meet and then we could make up all these great stories like: My friend Katie, whom Ive met online, sais....I would obviously only qoute you with very inteligente or extraordinary things, and then all my normal friends would be like: woooooooooooaaaaaaaaaaaaaa, having bloggerfriends is so fashionable!!!

RikiWright said...

That is quite scary in fairness...

not gonna make a great film but still quite scarry

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