Tuesday 18 September 2007

A Belated Half-Birthday Post

Those of you who know me well will know that I do love a good half birthday. I've never really grown out of them, and only recently realised that other people have. For example, I turned 22 and a half on 11th July. And this blog turned, well, 0 and a half (or 6 months, if you will) on 1st September. I completely missed it. So I thought I'd make up for it now by doing the classic 'Things I've achieved' and 'Things I'd like to achieve' post. I'll go back to January though as it's hard to think of lots of things I've achieved since March. The list will probably be brief...

Things I've wanted to do that I've achieved so far this year:

  • Saw 'The Lion King' in London for my birthday, something I've wanted to do for years. Also saw Stomp, The Sound of Music and Les Mis. I'm doing pretty well on the musical front.

  • Went to Riga and Hamburg (I wouldn't say either of these were an ambition of mine but they turned out to be two of my favourite days of the year so far...)

  • Was the Props Co-ordinator for a major (school) musical production.

  • Rode in a limo.

  • Reached the 2nd floor of the Eiffel Tower without having some kind of panic attack.

  • Passed my induction year in teaching and became a 'normal' teacher.

  • Went snorkelling and rode on a banana boat!

  • Passed my driving test (on 2nd January, that one just made it onto the list).

  • Started a blog. Never thought I'd keep it up, but turns out that anything that stops me being more efficient on the work front is a winner.

I'm bored of that one now. Onto 'Things I would like to achieve...'

  • I still want to ride an elephant. How achievable this desire will be over the next 6 months is unclear.

  • I would love to see 'Wicked' and 'Avenue Q'. Not hinting there at all...

  • I would like to somehow gain a sense of direction. I'm hopeless. A bit like Dory from Finding Nemo. I forget where I've been, how I got there, where I'm going... every day is like a new adventure for me!

Hmm, it would appear that I am currently lacking ambition. Although I'm quite impressed at how much I've done this year... really didn't feel like I'd achieved much until I wrote it down. Actually, I'm going to add:

  • Get paid to stay at a Hilton hotel and eat lots

Just because I found out today that I'm doing that one as part of my job (going on a one day course). So one down, two to go! Woop woop.

Here's to the next six months...


Graeme said...

Katie, Belated Happy Half Birthday! And Happy Half Blog Birthday!

Just wondered, is there such a thing as "normal" teacher??!!! Never was when I was at school!

And regarding riding the elephant - There's a circus coming to Chelmsford next week, you may be able to sneak in at night, and take one of them out for a quick spin!!

Glyn Harries said...

Katie, that was not a subliminal message. That wasn't even subtle. That was a blatant outloud request. That was the equivalent of:

TEXT FROM GLYN: Katie I've left a subliminal message for you in my blog.

GLYN'S BLOG: Katie could you get me some cake?

It's not subliminal if you just out-right ask!!

Andy said...

So this is how you guys communicate?


RikiWright said...

Happy whatever is it that cake is for wasn't really paying attention just skim read it - thought it was great though

Stacey said...

I just thought id share that i havent ever celebrated a half birthday before... but now you have given me the date (ok, it wouldnt have taken me too long to work out, but still, it was there for me) i plan to start! Thank you for introducing this extra excuse to have cake!

Katie said...

Ooh we could have a joint half-birthday party!!!

How much fun would that be?!

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