I haven't posted about school in a little while. So as a celebration of half term arriving (yay!) here are a few more anecdotes...
1) It was in the news last week that people with the 'blue eyes' gene can all be traced back to the same ancestor, and that it happened due to a genetic mutation. Which led to one child coming to the following conclusion (very loudly at the lunch table):
'Everyone, did you know that all people with blue eyes are mutants?'
2) During the same meal, I noticed that one of the children had 'finished' his lunch in a record 2 minutes and was standing at the door ready for playtime. The following conversation occured:
Me: James, have you actually opened your packed lunch? You can't be finished already!
James: I've finished my lunch.
(I open lunchbox to find a whole pile of sandwiches and some crisps)
James: Oh. I didn't know they were there.
3) Hannah was reading aloud from a non-fiction book when she stated that:
'The Snugglers were very good at hiding things.'
I told her the term was 'smugglers'.
'Yes,' she agreed, before carrying on.
'Back then, there were lots of Snugglers' Caves...'
I have a feeling they weren't as cosy as they sounded.
4) Finally, I set a piece of homework last week which required the children to write a reply to this distressed woman's letter:
52 Wood Lane
Thursday 31st January
Dear Class,
My daughter Goldilocks keeps running off into the woods. She won't listen to a word I say. What can I do to make her listen and do as she is told?
Yours faithfully,
Goldilocks' Mum
Year 2 children are supposed to spend half an hour on their homework, and as a class we went through some examples of thoughtful advice that could be given. The children produced some fantastic letters, but one child in particular stood out as having obviously put a lot of thought, time and effort into his reply:
Dear Goldilocks' Mum,
Lock her in her room.
Yours sincerely,
Eat your heart out, Jeremy Kyle.