Wednesday 27 February 2008

Did The Earth Move For You?

I'm asking this question because out of all the people I've seen today- people at work, my family, people at Songsters... only one person (and that was Claire Howell, who was probably just being nice) believed that I felt the earthquake last night. But I really did! For those of you who don't know, I live in Southend, which is quite a long way away from Lincolnshire. But there was a definitely a rumbling noise and movement- something in my room even rattled a bit. I was still trying to get to sleep when it happened, which is probably why nobody else felt it- I doubt it would have woken anybody up!

I know I'm not helping the drama queen thing... although after seeing Cloverfield, I have to admit that the thought 'What if someone has awoken a sleeping monster and it's stomping around?' very, very briefly crossed my mind. That is how overactive my imagination can be when it's dark and I'm on my own...

Anyway, not much else to report, apart from that I have relaxed the chocolate ban a little. I am now allowed chocolate mousse and chocolate custard (in other words, school desserts- although those two things aren't usually served on the same day). I tried to explain to the children that the mousse didn't really count as chocolate, but unfortunately the packaging was not on my side:

Finally, I walked into a card shop the other day and thought this card had 'good taste' written all over it:

It's true. They really do have a card for every occasion.


Graeme said...

Yep! We are nice, us Howells! First I knew about the earthquake was when I heard it on the news yesterday morning

Stacey said...

I was staying up at my sisters in Coventry and the bed was shaking about so much!! I would have been petrified, except when i questioned Hayley, who was half asleep, she told me it was just her housemates shaking the door. I accepted this, but looking back on it, unless one of her house mates had turned into the incredible hulk that night, it would have been near impossible to move a double bed, a wardrobe and the entire contents of a bathroom by just shaking a door!!
I felt a bit special to have experienced it actually!

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