Saturday 2 February 2008

In the last 24 hours...

My mood has gone from this:

And this...

To this:

Hmm. Last night, I went to see 'Mamma Mia!' (as you may have guessed) in London. It must seem like I go to see shows all the time, but I really don't... Anyway, I loved every minute of it and was in a really good mood this morning, humming away to 'Honey, Honey' and other such tunes. I was curious to see how they would fit all those Abba songs into one storyline, but they just about managed it! I'm very excited about the film version coming out in July.

Then, this afternoon we went to see Sweeney Todd, and for the first time in my entire life I discovered a musical that I didn't immediately fall in love with (unlike Tim). It was really well made and the acting was superb, but there was just a little too much gore and depression for me. That wouldn't normally put me off, as I really enjoyed 'Jekyll and Hyde' when it was touring as a musical, but for some reason this one just didn't appeal. It's a first. Maybe there'll be a stage version and I'll really like that.

In the last 24 hours I have also discovered that one of my all-time favourite restaurants (when I was younger) is no longer as magical as it used it be. I won't mention the name of it, but it has moving gorillas, elephants, toucans etc. and a tropical storm every 20 minutes*. Which is all very well and good, but it was very much a case of 'Spot the Waiter'... even when he was delivering water, I blinked and missed him (he kinda threw it down on the table as he ran past). Then, as John was trying to sort out the change I'd left on the table for a tip, he raced past, picked up the pound coins, and disappeared without saying a word! Rude.

* It sounds a little bit like the Jungle Cafe in Southend (minus the tropical storm), but that's not the place I'm talking about...

1 comment:

Graeme said...

Think I know the one you mean Katie! When we ate at the branch of this internationally renowned highly precipitated tree based lansdscape inspired eatery at Disneyland Paris last year, we paid the bill in cash, and waited for the our change to come back so I could sort some out for the tip. It never arrived, the waiter had just "assumed" that we must have intended to say "keep the change" and that's just what he did!

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