Thursday 15 May 2008

Get your popcorn ready...

...because I have made my first ever short film!

I recently bought a new camera and have been wanting to test out its video capability for a while. Then last weekend, the perfect opportunity arose when we boarded a bus at Kaunas International Airport, Lithuania. The plan was simple- as we caught our first glimpse of Kaunas, I would capture the initial sights and sounds of a bustling city on a beautiful sunny day.

One hour later, and it would appear that all was not going quite according to plan...


Mitchenstein said...

Shot on location in Kaunas?

It wasn't it Kaunas! That was the whole point!

Mitchenstein said...

Shot on location in Kaunas?

It wasn't it Kaunas! That was the whole point!

Mitchenstein said...

Oops, I posted that twice - even more annoying when there's a typo in it.

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