Thursday, 8 March 2007

Grease Update

Thanks to all those people who have helped so far, its amazing how many people know where to find such random stuff! Have managed to get hold of an air horn, pom poms, an american magazine (although need more) and a few other bits and pieces. However, in addition to what is still on the other list, I now need:

- Classic Coke bottles (the plain/green glass ones, I know I've seen them somewhere but can't think where...)
- A car jack!
- Comic book
- An old fashioned telephone
- 'View Master' with slide
- Canvas butterfly chair

- 3D glasses (Uni people can help with this, does anybody still have theirs from Newcastle?)

Any ideas...?! I originally thought I wouldn't be given much/if any money to find all this stuff, but turns out the school is quite happy to send me off with £100 (or more if I need it) to spend on things! So the world is our oyster.

I really should be getting paid more...

Oh, and can anybody tell me how to make this picture smaller on the right hand side? It's huge!

1 comment:

Andy said...

Viewmasters - they were so cool!!! I used to have one with the 60s Batman film on...

...ah, those were the days.

(yes, I was the bloke at the Hadleigh thingy)

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