Wednesday, 5 December 2007

Things I have learned from Yoga.... and other news

Tonight, I went to my first ever Yoga session. It was quite enjoyable and I'll probably go again. Especially as Yoga can apparently cure all illnesses. Not many people know that (which is unfortunate, as a lot of money could be saved on research), so I thought I'd better share them with you.

Did you know, if you:

- Rub your hands together and cup them over your eyes, and blink really fast, any impaired vision can be improved.

- Stretch your arms out in front of you on a regular basis, you will become immune to breast cancer.

- Stand on your head once a day, your skin will remain youthful.

- Sit on the floor with your feet touching and flap your knees up and down ('like a beautiful butterfly'), then any infertility problem will be cured.

- Spin round and round really fast regularly, you will become immune to all illnesses and live longer.

The Yoga Man told us all the above information was true, because he knew at least four people it had happened to in every circumstance. Stacey and I did very well not to fall about laughing for most of it (although I couldn't make eye contact with her for the whole hour and a half). He also singled us out and said we would be good at 'acrobatic yoga', which added to my suspicion that every sentence that came out of his mouth was a lie. The exercise was good though, if you tuned him out.

Update on other stuff:

- The Christmas production starts tomorrow. It's all a little bit crazy, especially first thing in the morning when I'm running round getting children dressed/looking for lost sheep/dealing with the hundreds of questions that various parents have decided to store up over the weeks and ask me at that specific moment. Then, once I've finally restored order, peeled the excited children off the ceiling and settled them down with some work, someone will burst in shouting 'YOU'RE ON, GO GO GO!!!' and the madness starts up again.

- John and I went to Bratislava on Saturday on one of our random days abroad. It was really, really cool... all cold and christmassy. Imagine the opportunity for christmas shopping and all the original presents we could've brought back. Sadly, I came home with nothing but a cuddly elephant called Wilbur (who I'm pretty certain had nothing to do with Slovakia, and could be bought from any reputable toy store in the UK). But we did have fun seeing the sights, eating food constantly and going to the Christmas market. Here are one or two photos, just to brighten up the post:

The first photo shows the busy Christmas market at sunset, and hopefully conveys some of the some of the great atmosphere that was there that afternoon. The second picture was taken after we caught our first glimpse of Bratislava Castle as we walked into the city. All very picturesque!


Anna said...

Thanks for the number, sorry Im a a pain :-D Maybe Im not gonna make it in you think that matters very much, but Im not home from work till half past 6 most fridays...and that was a nice post, it deserved a comment :-D x

Katie said...

Lol, thanks Anna... that's very nice of you! Hehe I'm sure it won't matter in the slightest, put your name down for a ticket anyway. Will speak to you properly about it soon. I'm not even sure what time it def starts! xx

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