Sunday 30 March 2008

A quick update...

1) Quiz night was a success- we made nearly £200! Thanks to everyone who came and supported us, hope you had as good a time as we did...

2) School production was also a success, although standing on stage door in the freezing cold for four hours on Wednesday and Thursday night wasn't much fun. I am NOT putting myself through it again next year!

3) It's the start of the school holidays- yay! I received two beautiful bouquets of flowers from a couple of parents, and lots of chocolate. For the first time in my life, I have more Easter eggs than I know what to do with... I've never been sick of chocolate before, but that time may be coming :-S

4) I've got a busy few weeks ahead. I'm off to the Isle of Wight tomorrow for an activity week with Year 6 (not sure how I get dragged into all these things, but it should be good- fingers crossed for good weather!). Then as soon as I get back I'm going to Durham for a couple of days to see some uni friends who still live there, and a day after I come back from that am off to Fuerteventura with Heather for 6 days! The next couple of weekends after that am also going to Hertfordshire and Durham again (this time for a big uni reunion). So I probably won't be blogging as much as I'd like... I'm not sure how you'll cope either, but you'll have to try.

I'll leave you with one of the many 'activities' I'll be doing next week. This is the Giant Swing. I'm not sure how I feel about it at the moment...

1 comment:

Mitchenstein said...

That looks so cool!!

Did you do it?!

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